Tuesday, July 5, 2011

1st Day of My City My Voice 2011! ( +++check our new QR tag!!!)

We now have a QR tag for this blog, which you can see above ^.  Quick response (QR) tags are a form of bar code that encodes data in patterns with horizontal and vertical lines as opposed to regular bar codes that only have vertical lines.  They are easily read by QR readers that can be downloaded for smart phones such as Android, Blackberry and iPhone to direct the device's browser to a web address or other simple data like text.  We plan to use this new media technology to communicate with the community this summer and promote our public art projects.

Telling our story and mapping our neighborhood becomes easier through the use of new media tools such as QR tags because we can highlight the meaning we derive from our physical world by linking it to the digital realm.  Beyond our blog we will also have our stories and audio art posted on soundcloud.com, videos on youtube.com and visual art hosted by a site as yet undetermined (any suggestions?).  We are planning to explore the various hosting and search sites we use to mediate our online travel experience (blogger, soundcloud, google etc.) and contrast them with the various means of transportation that mediate our movement through the physical world (train, bus, car, foot etc.).  QR tags for our various artistic products will be posted on and around public transportation around our city creating an interactive artistic experience for our neighbors!

Stay tuned!

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